Now what?

Going live with the solution and measuring effect

What do you bring with you into this phase?

You are drawing on experiences from activities you have carried out and the methods you have used.

Objective for the phase

The objective for this phase is to further develop the solution you have been working on. This time, however, you should also assess whether there is a need to take a step back and perform more groundwork before development costs start to accrue. Remember as well that when assessing the work we have done during the innovation process, we use performance indicators other than just the top and bottom line.

You are ready to start a product or service development process. For this you will need a number of the tools you have used in this guide, for example, the tools for customer insight, prototyping, support and business modelling.

2 steps

How can you measure the effect of this approach? And what tools from this guide should you bear in mind as you continue your work?