Produce an early prototype/sketch

Produce an early prototype/sketch

Based on the hypothesis you have about the problem you want to solve and how you will solve it, you now have to produce an initial sketch of the product/service.

All too often projects rapidly become relatively expensive development processes, without enough insight into the viability of the solution or the needs of the target group. Prototyping is thus about bringing ideas to life in a simple way and examining their value before a great deal of time and resources are invested in the project.

Prototypes can take many forms, from simple sketches on paper to advanced functional applications or products. During this phase you will produce a prototype for use early on in the process, and should therefore keep things simple and use paper. This can be used for both digital and physical products. Cut and paste or use post-it notes and pens to visualise the idea easily without worrying about whether or not it looks good.

Foto: Mindandi – Freepik
Foto: Amélie Mourichon – Unslpash

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