Problem statement and the way forward

Problem statement and the way forward

How sure are you of solving the customers’ problems? How can you progress from the insight you have gained to fleshing out the problem you want to continue working on?

What is the problem?

The founder of Sun Microsystems said something like this: “Any big problem is a big opportunity. If there is no problem, there is no opportunities, and no reason for a company to exist. No one will pay you to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.” It may seem like a banal observation, but there may be a temptation to put in motion a costly development process without a firm and deeper understanding of the problem you actually have to solve for the target group.

A good problem statement is based on the various MINUS experiences you identified in connection with your insight work.  The problem statement should take as its starting point a specific situation and what the target group wants to achieve. Tips on how to proceed are shown in the method card below.

How might we…?

How do you progress from a problem statement to new opportunities and potential solutions? You do this by reformulating the problems to create opportunities by coming up with questions that start with How might we…?

How might we (HMW) will help you prepare for a new phase of idea generation. HMW are trigger questions and do not focus on what the specific solution will be, but afford an opportunity for value creation for customers and the business.

Preferably involve other people in this process. That way you ensure a broader approach to the problem, and can draw on the skills and experience of other people.

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