

Do you still receive invoices as PDFs sent by e-mail or hard copy invoices by post? If so, the invoices have to be dealt with manually, with a great deal of time spent on filing.

By digitising the business’s invoice management process, the work is automated, saving you time and money. If you receive invoices electronically, the invoices will be read by your finance system and can be booked according to predetermined rules. Opting to use the Electronic Trading Format (Elektronisk Handelsformat (EHF)) means documents sent by a client can be read into the supplier’s data processing system even if the systems are different*. Most finance systems now offer EHF.

You can also automate approval of invoices. If you have a solution for electronic approval, you will receive a notification when you receive new invoices for approval, or when the invoice has been processed. Automated approval also offers the opportunity to automate payment. Once an incoming invoice has been approved and recorded, it is transferred digitally to the bank to be paid on the due date. You do not need to process any files, something that both saves time and improves payment security.

In the same way as you receive invoices electronically, you can also add functions for sending electronic invoices to your finance system. This makes it easy to activate automatic sending of payment reminders and debt collection notices, so that they are sent at the right time and in accordance with agreements and Norwegian legislation. With a digital solution, all incoming payments will be automatically transferred to the finance system and matched against the correct item in the accounts. In other words, the ledger is always up to date, without the need for manual intervention.

Examples of finance systems are:

  • Tripletex
  • Fiken
  • 24sevenoffice
  • Visma eAccounting.

Do you need a finance system and are wondering what to choose? Advisors from Origami have summarised their tips here.(in Norwegian)

*Source: Norwegian)