How can you best attract potential customers?

How can you best attract potential customers?

It’s said that you shouldn’t crack nuts with a sledgehammer – and the same rule applies, more or less, to digital marketing. If you want to attract potential customers that have hitherto not expressed an interest in your product or solution, there are some questions you should ask yourself first:

  • Who is your target group?
  • Where do you engage best with this target group?
  • What content best appeals to the target group?
  • What do you actually want to achieve with your marketing?

One of the main reasons why you should start with what you know about your target group is that this will make your marketing more effective. You can then craft a specific message tailored to their interests – targeted at precisely this customer group and communicated using their preferred channels. If, for example, you want to sell safety razors: Are you targeting men with your adverts? Or perhaps your research suggests using adverts targeted at women because they buy razors for their husbands?

Channels and content in brief

If you want to reach professionals, you may perhaps have more success on LinkedIn. However, if you really want to target your marketing at a carefully selected group of customers – based on interests, location, gender, etc. – Facebook is in many cases the most effective marketing channel. Here it pays to use Facebook Business Manager, which offers greater control and more opportunities for smart targeting. You can also advertise on Instagram through Business Manager.

Some things that are handy to know about online advertising – particularly on social media:

  • People scroll quickly – you probably have less than a second to capture their interest. Get straight to the point!
  • You have a better chance of getting your message across if people can relate to it. Tailor your message to your preferred recipient and dare to be personal.
  • Marketing costs money. A Facebook post won’t reach far if you don’t “put money into it” – it may perhaps pay to get external help with this?
  • Great content that draws people in is cheaper to circulate – keep up to date and spend time and resources on design, videos, images, languages and messages in your marketing (services such as Canva can help with this). Remember that you represent your company!

Innovation Guide and Facebook marketing

If you don’t yet know who your target audience is, or what they are actually interested in, we recommend that you take a look at our Innovation Guide.

Would you like to learn more about getting started with Facebook marketing? This video tutorial (in Norwegian) explains how to set up an account and about administration of adverts and campaigns, among other things.