Ensure that your website is optimised using SEO and insights

Ensure that your website is optimised using SEO and insights

It is important that your business has an easy-to-use website that enables customers to find the information they want easily. It should also be easy to contact you. And remember: Your website has to work well on a mobile.

A well-structured website with relevant and interesting content is important to ensure search engine optimisation (SEO) and this work is rewarded by Google with improved visibility in search results. In addition, a great website should be a purchase trigger for visiting customers. This is where content marketing comes into the picture: With well-written and readable content – that features a relevant call to action (CTA) – an engaged reader can more easily be converted to a customer.

How is your website performing?

To see how your website scores on SEO, and what searches lead to your website at the moment, you can play around a bit with Google’s own tool Google Search Console. Here you get useful tips about areas that you could improve.

The best possible insight into your customers and visitors to your website is vital. By linking your website to, for example, Google Analytics, you gain access to statistics about who is visiting your website, which channel traffic is coming from, and what actions are being performed on the website. Establish goals and events in Analytics to see how many goal completions you get, such as, for instance, a product sale or a completed contact form.

Insight work provides useful knowledge about which form of marketing actually works and whether your content is perceived as relevant.

Fact: Search engine optimisation (SEO)

By making the content of your website more accessible and comprehensible to Google crawlers (robots), you also ensure that anyone looking for information or products ends up on your website.

SEO is constantly evolving, but there are some simple things that you can do:

  • All pages must have a H1 heading
  • Write descriptive headings and subheadings for everything you publish, preferably featuring keywords that people search with
  • The names of image files should include the company name and what/who it is an image of
  • The amount of text on each page should not be too short in relation to the amount of code

The URL (web address) should describe the content using keywords – such as:

Good URL: https://yourdomain.com/bathroom/white-porcelain-WC

OK URL: https://yourdomain.com/WC/white-porcelain

Poor URL: http://yourdomain.com/colour-234-WC

Good website practice involves following requirements for universal design. Sufficient contrast so that text is legible and alternative, descriptive texts for all images are examples of this.