Digital fundations

Digital foundations

There are few things that are more frustrating and unprofitable than slow computers, temperamental internet connections and printers that don’t do what you want them to. Before a business can set about improving digitisation, it has to have decent, stable and secure digital foundations or a similar infrastructure in place. The more digital the business becomes, the more important these foundations become.

The digital foundations for a business are generally considered to be the internet (fibre, firewalls, wireless internet access, etc.), computers, external monitors, keyboards, mobile phones, printers, servers, and much more. Here it is common for small businesses to do a lot themselves to begin with, before discovering that this is a field in itself – one that grows as the number of employees and the office grows. To make this process as smooth as possible, a good IT supplier who understands both human needs and the needs of the business is essential.

Most businesses quickly discover that it is rarely profitable to go for the cheapest option when it comes to IT equipment, but purchasing suitable equipment that is good enough can soon have an impact on liquidity. There are a number of good workarounds, such as leasing, that enable businesses to spread the costs over a longer period.

It is also possible to buy second-hand equipment  (in Norwegian). There are a number of suppliers who offer quality-checked second-hand equipment. They will often also offer to take your old equipment.

When it comes to setting up your computers, mobiles and wireless internet access, there is, however, one thing you have to be aware of – ensuring that it is secure.