Ask for this in the meeting

Ask for this in the meeting

Whether you are a manager and want support for your solution from colleagues, or an employee about to present an idea to the management team, it is important that you are clear about what you want to achieve and what you want to ask for. You can present your idea/project using the presentation template that can be downloaded to the left here. Important considerations for the meeting:

  • Multidisciplinary team: You need scope to put together a small team that is willing to learn and try out new things along the way. It is important that different business areas and areas of expertise are represented in the team, in order to get different perspectives on the tasks in hand or the problem to be solved.
  • Decisions: The team should have the authority to make decisions or access to short decision-making channels. There is little point in the team working and learning fast if decisions are then delayed.
  • Time: Make sure that you and your team have enough time to experiment together. If everyone has too many other obligations, the time you do have together is spent more on coordination and less on innovation, creativity and learning.