Implementation and support

Implementation and support

Once you have identified a new tool for the business to use, it is important not to underestimate the work involved in implementing the system and training and engaging employees.

How can you convince employees to spend a little extra time on learning about and using the new system? How do you explain that the end result will be a better working day for everyone once they start using it? The world’s best technical solution is of no value at all if a company’s employees cannot or will not use it.

To ensure ownership and engagement among employees, it is important to establish why you are introducing new tools, and how these will create value in everyday work. Furthermore, it is crucial to provide a good introduction to the various tools so that employees feel comfortable using them.

A high level of early involvement can contribute to, among other things*:

  • greater consensus between management and employees on the need for new technology
  • creating ownership of and confidence in the new tools
  • extensive involvement that provides a good foundation for employee-driven innovation
  • skills development

To help you get started with this work, we have produced a simple PPT template showing how you can ensure good implementation and training, and how you can progress to securing internal support and engagement among employees.

This template can be downloaded bellow

*Source: (in Norwegian)