Get feedback

Get feedback

Get together with a multidisciplinary team and test various hypotheses related to the various components in the canvas. You do not need to review them all, just the ones you think are critical to realising the solution. The model is, in any case, a useful tool to use when reflecting as a group on how a solution can contribute to value creation and, in particular, value capture.

The following can be helpful for the team to assess:

  • Does everyone have the same opinion about who the customers are?
  • Do you have a clear picture of the value that customers will actually experience when they use the solution?
  • Are your chosen partners right for this project? Is anyone missing?

It is important to experiment and to test the various components in the business model in the same way as you test prototypes in order to acquire knowledge. If you are about to develop a fantastic product or service, and your business does not have sufficient key resources to realise it, you will quickly have to re-evaluate the solution.