Test the prototype

Test the prototype

Whether you are looking to improve a product or service or create something entirely new, you have to carry out testing. We learn through experimentation with customers and from the feedback they give us. Therefore, you have to create prototypes and test them – again and again.

Here are some tips about things to think about when you want to test your prototype on a customer or a user:

  • What questions do you want answers to?
  • Where will the prototype be tested, and how should the testing environment be set up to create the most authentic experience possible for the user?
  • How many people will test the prototype? It is a good idea to start with a target group of five test subjects and assess as you go whether or not you need more insight.
  • How will the prototype test be documented? Preferably use videos, audio recordings, photos and notes.

Once testing is completed, you will know whether or not your solution creates value for customers. You can now move on to the next phase. If you have not got all the answers you need, you can carry on testing: Perhaps you need to adjust the prototype and repeat the test? Or do you quite simply need to abandon the solution and start a new idea generation process based on all the insight you now have?