Communicate via a storyboard

Communicate via a storyboard

A storyboard is a creative and structured method of visualising the ideas as a story from start to finish. It can be used to secure support for the ideas and your proposed solutions from colleagues or decision-makers, and then to test the idea at an early point on customers.

A storyboard is a way of conveying a story through a series of drawings or images, arranged to create a narrative sequence. Storyboards provide an outline of various points of interaction between the customer and supplier, and the nature of the experience from the customer’s perspective.

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Some of the effects of using storyboards are:

Visualising a series of events for the customer

A storyboard shows the connections between various events in a story from start to end. It describes the sequence of events and the relations between them. This contributes to an understanding of the final outcome that a customer is trying to achieve.

Identifying ideal moments in the customer journey

A storyboard can also help you to prioritise and identify ‘ideal moments’ and how these can be illustrated in layout, screen design, architecture, communication, etc. Here it is important to think broadly, be creative and not be restrictive. You can then start using methods to focus on and prioritise the right solutions.

Reaching a consensus on the problem

A storyboard helps a team to get a real sense of how a customer experiences a service or products. It also ensures that multidisciplinary teams do not just discuss the same problems, but the right problems as early on in the process as possible. Without a shared understanding, the team will work in different directions and progress will be slow.

Encouraging decisions

A storyboard visualises a customer’s end-to-end experience and behaviour. It looks at how a prospective service may be perceived by a customer, and which internal and external partners contribute to bringing about this experience. The visualisation aspect helps decision-makers to determine quickly the right way forward for the process.

Receiving feedback early on from the customer

A storyboard can be used as an early prototype and be tested on potential customers and other stakeholders. It helps to establish links between current challenges and prospective solutions.

You can find more inspiration for creating storyboards here.

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