
Further develop and test prototypes

What do you bring with you into this phase?

You have a prototype that you have tested on your customers.

Objective for the phase

The objective for this phase is to develop ideas that solve the customer’s problem. We prioritise the idea we would like to move forward with and create a prototype.

Once you have validated the problem, the process moves on to developing prototypes that contribute to solving the problem for the customer. Prototype means a primitive form and it is a preliminary version of something you want to develop further. The aim is to learn through continual modification and testing, and to decide on a way forward.

1 step

You have now gathered valuable customer insight. Based on this, you have to further develop the idea and the prototype. You can continue using paper, Lego blocks or available digital tools. It is worth sticking with this level for as long as possible because it is more than likely that the proposed solution will evolve as you test it on customers.