
Identify opportunities for your business

What should you consider before getting started?

Think of a challenge you need to solve and/or identify an area where you think there is potential for improvement.

Objective for the phase

The objective for this phase is to identify new opportunities or solutions for your business, or to get a better understanding of whether or not your idea is worth pursuing.

Do you see an opportunity or potential for improvement in your business? Perhaps you have encountered a challenge that requires a new solution, or you are not fully exploiting the potential offered by new technologies? This phase is designed to help you identify new opportunities.

2 steps

It’s now time to get started, and you can start with a specific idea or a project that you want to investigate, or with a blank sheet of paper and the desire to identify new opportunities.

Bear in mind that this phase does not involve any in-depth work. You will get up and running quickly and acquire experiences and make discoveries that provide the foundation for support within the business – where the objective is to make time and resources available for continued work.

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